The growth path in the digital world continues for Goldoni Keestrack. The community of fans and followers of the historic Italian brand are increasingly numerous and, after the success of the Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn (/ GoldoniKeestrack) pages, always rich in contents to give visibility to the new products and services, from today Goldoni joins also TikTok at Reference point for the youngest and most active share, it boasts an audience of passionate farmers and transmits product content and field experiences in a very simple and immediate way. Goldoni Keestrack's goal is to open the doors of its company and share ideas and news with the passionate community of followers to promote dialogue and contact between users, distributors and producers. Goldoni Keestrack among the first in the sector has created an official profile where the funniest and most impressive clips of Goldoni tractors will be broadcast. Follow all the official channels of the group to stay up to date!
Mar 23 - 2022